People often have the misconception that creativity is a natural talent as if we are either inherently creative or we are not. But this is not the case. Even though some people may be born with characteristics that make it easier for them to develop specific talents, and even though different people have varying capacities for processing data and learning, none of these factors should operate as a barrier to the development of creative ability. Let’s have a look at some of the most effective strategies to encourage children’s creative growth and development:
1. THERE ARE NO TERRIBLE IDEAS- Children are a wealth of creative potential. Creative thinking materializes in the form of new ideas. Criticizing a concept, even to the point of mockery, is an attempt to undermine the creative process that went into developing that idea. Children will, without a shadow of a doubt, come up with ideas that are not good, yet frequently certain aspects of their reasoning or thought process are admirable. You should make an effort to pick out the positive aspects, and you should also try to assist them to comprehend what else they need to think about in relation to the execution of such a concept. Children who are very concerned about making blunders often have less innovative thought processes. This indicates that you need to cultivate an atmosphere in which children are encouraged to be creative, may feel free to make a mess, and understand that it is acceptable to make errors. If you want a great school that will encourage your child’s creativity, be sure to contact Lutheran school Brisbane

2. THEY SHOULDN’T BE LABELLED AS CREATIVE OR UNCREATIVE- Whether they are aware of it or not, children can take the titles and labels they are given quite seriously. It is possible that discouraging someone by labelling them as “uncreative” or “better at math and science,” for example, may prevent them from putting up their best effort in creative topics at school or in more creative activities outside of school. Instead, try your hand at a wide variety of various subjects and hobbies while treating each one with equal support and being judgment-free.

3. PRACTICE CREATIVITY- Artists are often the types of people that come to mind when we think of those who are the most creative. They are occasionally musicians, sculptors, and even athletes in their spare time. However, these people have honed their skills throughout the course of their lives to develop into the masters they are today. They had to put in the work to acquire these talents; for many of them, this meant practising for many hours every day, for several decades. When it comes to the goal of developing abilities, there is no way around practice, and among these talents are those that we typically connect with creative ability.
4. ALLOW THEM TO KEEP THEIR INDEPENDENCE AND FREEDOM- Children are only equipped with their imaginations and the materials they have at their disposal. Giving kids the freedom to pursue their passions and thoughts is a fantastic approach to foster their creative potential since there are virtually no limits to the kinds of mischief they may get into.